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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
Not in game This item(s) was discontinued from Pirates Online. Some pirates may have such item(s) in their inventory, but they are no longer obtainable.

Viper's Kiss
Viper's Kiss
Boost(s) Parry +5, Brawl +5, Flourish +5
Unique Ability Venom Strike 4
Attack Power 59
Cost Redeem Code
Rarity Rare
Required Level Sword 17
Value 840 Gold
Weapon Model

Viper's Kiss is a Rare cutlass that was given out by EITC GMs during the Pirates Expose EITC Plot event in Pirates Online.

Before this weapon came out, the only other weapon to have a +5 boost to any skill was the Legendary Behemoth Blade, which boasts a +5 boost to Endurance.

Game Notes[]

  • This weapon was originally only obtainable from the Pirates Expose EITC Plot event from a Game Master, but was later obtainable by the redeem code viper
  • This weapon resembles a Scimitar in shape. Likely it was crafted by the Abu Nar Clan.
  • When attacking an enemy, this weapon has a unique set of sound effects shared with Desert Claw.
  • While this weapon is a Cutlass type, it may attract other nearby enemies into the fight, similar to tagging them with a broadsword.