September Peddler Spotlight (2022)
Posted by Davy Doubloon on Sept. 1, 2022, 8 p.m.
You smell it, mate? It's a change in the wind. The summer months are waning fast. Ye can almost smell the scent of autumn fast approaching now.
Right now, we peddlers have sets of French Assassin and Red Baron garb arriving on the shores of Port Royal, Tortuga, Padres, Cuba, and Bilgewater. The French Assassin shows you're making a statement, not afraid to hide in the shadows. And for others, the Red Baron is a stylish, high-minded look of the refined continent.
There's still sets of Spanish Conquistador and Solstice Sailor for those who want to hold onto the remnants of the last season. But, ye best get to a peddler soon mates. The August outfits will leave our shelves on September 30th while …
August Peddler Spotlight (2022)
Posted by Peddler Phillip on Aug. 3, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
This August we have the metal helmet-clad Spanish Conquistador back in stock, perfect for all ye Spanish wishing to show off. The shimmering Solstice Sailor is perfect for all ye beachcombers looking to take a well deserved vacation away from looting in the caves of the Caribbean!
A reminder for you lot coming to shop, we still got last months outfits in stock, so if ye want the China Seas Warrior or Caribbean Lord, hurry on down, the July outfits will leave our shelves on August 31th while this months outfits will be around until September 30th.
Hope ye all enjoy the rest of the summer, we certainly will be glad when its over! Ye know because our shops are out in the hot sun?! Oh well, I t…
Posted by Kat Repperson on July 1, 2022, 10 p.m.
It be summer here in the Caribbean and you know what that means! Hot weather and hot fashion.
This month's outfits be the China Seas Warrior and Caribbean Lord sets. Are ye a fan of fancy silk threads imported from the East? The China Sea Warrior outfits be the right fit for you and it comes in two variations. The original can be found on Tortuga, Port Royal, and Los Padres on Padres del Fuego. The alternate version can be found on Cuba, Las Pulgas on Padres del Fuego, and Bilgewater. If ye fancy yerself a Lord of the Caribbean, then the Caribbean Lord outfit be just what the doctor ordered!
A last reminder for ye freedom-lovin' pirates, we peddlers will still have the the Fourth of July outfit…
Posted by The Crew on July 1, 2022, 4 p.m.
Come one, come all!
To all of our American players, The Crew would like to wish you a Happy Fourth of July this year! To everyone else not celebrating, it'll just be another Monday... so Happy Monday! From now until July 6th there are fireworks at the top of every hour on the hour that will light up the sky with thunderous booms and colorful lights!
Visit a peddler near you for a limited-time patriotic outfit full of red and blue! For those who are tight on cash, redeem the code JULY for a free special party hat! Be quick about it for the redeem code expires after July 31st!
Until next time; take what you can, give nothing back!
Posted by Bargain Billy on June 17, 2022, 3:30 p.m.
It be that time of June again to celebrate our pirate fathers, but ye wouldn't guess which drunkard waltzed right into the Rowdy Rooster recently! It be Cap'n Jack down on his luck! He be lookin' for his dear old dad once again. From June 16th to June 22nd, Sparrow be givin' pirates a quest that earns DOUBLE REPUTATION if ye help him rescue a certain captain who so happens to be his father.
Additionally, we peddlers got a special outfit that many of ye fancy folk look forward to this time of year. The Father's Day Outfit be fit for a "Prince". Ye only got until the 22nd to pick these fine threads up, then it'll be gone again until next year! So hurry while stocks last!
So, before ye head int…