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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
Improved Graphics
Posted by The Crew on Dec. 16, 2022, 9:30 a.m.

Ahoy, pirates!

Are ye gettin' tired of all these updates yet? Hopefully not because today we have a very special and long-requested treat: Better game graphics!

It's been long a criticism of the game that there be a lot of good quality gameplay but the graphics just simply aren't up to par. We have been quietly workin' behind on some improvements to the graphics in the game, and one of these improvements be ready to go!

We have implemented our very own post-processin' system that will allow us to continue makin' more improvements to the game's graphics, and today we're releasin' our very first feature that makes heavy use of tis 'ere new system: Lens Flares!

Lens Flares are a brand-new feature to TLOPO, but they're a staple in almost any modern game released today. When lookin' toward the sun in-game, there will now be a ray of light casted into yer view. Additionally, the Lens Flare dynamically calculates any occludin' objects that be in the sun's path and decreases the effect's intensity based on how much of the sun be occluded. This effect also appears with the moon, but it'll be at a much lower intensity because the moon not be as bright as the sun, savvy?

Today's update is the first of many future graphical improvements. We are investigatin' a lot of really cool features and we're very excited about what we can do with this new system. A large amount of effort is also bein' put into makin' sure everythin' is backwards-compatible so if ye do not have a powerful enough computer or would like to disable the better graphics for a more nostalgia-rich experience, ye will always have the option to disable any of the new improved visuals.

Additionally, a Double Loot event is active from now until December 22nd @ 11:59PM Eastern!

Double Gold, which started on Day 1, remains active until December 18th @ 11:59PM Eastern.

See ye tomorrow for more daily surprises in this year's Twelve Days of Celebration!