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Pirates Online Wiki

<center>Posted by The Crew on Dec. 15, 2022, 5:30 p.m.</center>

Moonstone Codes

Ahoy and Happy Holidays to ye, pirates!

The Twelve Days of Celebration is now in full swing! Don't forget to stop on by at the Yuletide Manor on Tortuga get special wintry weapons and holiday tattoos! But, the Frost Family don't take gold. They want moonstones.

And how ye get those? From defeating Royal Navy, East India, Undead or Ghost enemies throughout the Caribbean this season! You can find Small Moonstones in winter pouches, Large Moonstones in winter pouches and winter chests, and rare Enchanted Moonstones in winter skull chests and winter loot chests.

There's still more special holiday surprises and gifts awaiting for you, each and every day during this 12 Days event. Come back each day to unwrap the next!

To help you get started on your hunt for these elusive gems, here's some special Moonstone Redeem Codes!

Redeem Code Quantity
smallmoon 300 Moonstones
bigmoon 150 Large Moonstones
enchantmoon 50 Enchanted Moonstones

Keep a savvy eye, pirate! These codes can only be redeemed 'til December 31st at 11:59PM Eastern. Spend'em soon or you'll have to hold'em 'til next year!

Fair winds,

The Crew @ TLOPO