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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
Present Grenade Poster
Posted by Deaf Gunny on Dec. 17, 2022, 7:30 p.m.


WELCOME BACK, PIRATES! What a festive and wonderful time of year it is. WHAT? Ye don't AGREE? Oh I just heard ye incorrectly? ARRGH, me hearin' ain't what it used to be. One too many BOOMS I've heard playin' with me grenades.

WHAT'S THAT? New SURPRISES every day? I got used to surprises, like when me not-so-trusty grenade pins ACCIDENTIALLY fall out whilst I be sleepin'! But, yes, continue we shall; what could possibly be for today?

A special present indeed, goes BOOM too if ye ain't careful! HA! Get it?

It's a special Present Grenade! Redeem code PRESENT by December 31st to receive the Limited-Edition Present Grenade!

Happy Holidays!