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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
Seven Seas Cutlass
Attack Ability Rolling Attack Rank 3
Boost(s) Parry +3

Brawl +3

Endurance +3

Attack Power 80
Group Seven Seas Group
Location Can only be found in loot.
Rarity Famed
Required Level 30
Value 1164 Gold
Weapon Model
Cutlass I

The Seven Seas Cutlass is an immensely powerful and ornately crafted weapon. This Famed Cutlass gives the wielder a strong Rolling Attack ability, along with significant boosts to the Parry, Brawl, and Endurance skills. It is one of the game's most powerful non-cursed weapons and can only be wielded by a master swordsman.

Seven Seas Cutlass Group

Sea Dog's Cutlass Swashbuckler's Cutlass1 Buccaneer's Cutlass PrivateersCutlass Corsair's Cutlass - clearer UpdatedSevenSeasCutlass
