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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki

A large, subterranean facility on Port Royal, the Royal Navy uses this cave as a prison work camp of sorts. Elsewhere, there are scattered tents for the imprisoned workers - many of whom will happily heal an injured pirate for only 5 gold.

There is a jail building, but if you are Knocked Out here, you will wake up in the main Port Royal jail. This place is likely to house the imprisoned workers. There is also the Royal Navy Foreman's Office, which acts like a headquarters for the naval detachment, led by Dragoon Boss David Benbow.

It is very similar to Beckett's Quarry on Padres Del Fuego. The cave area has undergone a major change since the Island Destructions.

There are lots of EITC and Navy soldiers here, but they are not anywhere as dangerous. While there are no permanent bosses in this area, some unstationary bosses are known to appear here.

Loadingscreen RoyalCaverns


Pirates can get here from the Governor's Garden or Wicked Thicket. The Caverns connect them.


There are NO stationary bosses in the Royal Caverns but random mini-bosses may appear in place of the standard enemies.



Royal Navy[]

East India Trading Co.[]


The only characters the pirate can interact with here are the group of prisoners who toil away in the work camp. Some of these poor souls are still happy to help any pirate who wanders in by offering to heal them for only 5 gold.



Royal Caverns

Dig Spots[]

Many of the spots can be found at the various dead ends.

Royal caverns digmap

Storage Containers[]

Storage Containers can be found within Royal Caverns for quests.

Royal Caverns - Storage Containers

Cave Changes[]

The Royal Caverns, like many cave areas, were radically changed during the Island Destructions. Originally, the caverns were smaller and more dense with a higher ceiling. Numerous catwalks ran across open areas of shallow pools of water. It was also darker in many areas.

Changing the layout was meant to disperse enemies into more areas and add more space for searchable items, etc.

Old Royal Caverns 1