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Pirates Online Wiki
Rhea Armstrong Shop
Icon blacksmith

Rhea Armstrong Blacksmith is a blacksmith shop run by young Rhea Armstrong on Cuba. It's not really a shop per se as much as it is a stand.

Rhea has put up a small forge behind the counter and though meager in size, she does offer all the services of any other smith. She sells a selection of bladed weapons and accessories.

Ruth Armstrong also works here, as a trainer, sitting a nearby crate while waiting for business.


The stand can be found on the back of the beach next to the Peddler's stand Cuba.

Game Note[]

Rhea and her shop were not part of the original Pirates Online but added by The Legend of Pirates Online.

Weapons in Stock[]

Rusty cutlass clearer
Short Cutlass
Steel Cutlass
Rusty Cutlass Short Cutlass Iron Cutlass Steel Cutlass
Free 220g 200g 1,000g
Battle Cutlass
Ornate Cutlass
Grand Cutlass
Battle Cutlass Ornate Cutlass Grand Cutlass
430g 680g 990g
Iron Sabre
Steel Sabre 2010-11-29
Fine Sabre
Iron Sabre Steel Sabre Fine Sabre
430g 700g 1,040g
Small Broadsword
Steel Broadsword
Mighty Broadsword
Small Broadsword Steel Broadsword Mighty Broadsword
740g 1,040g 1,380g
Dagger Card
Battle dirk
Main Gauche
Small Dagger
Dagger Battle Dirk Main Gauche Small Dagger
100g 250g 1,250g 610g
Combat Dagger
Steel Dagger Combat Dagger Battle Dagger
2,210g 4,810g 8,410g
Throwing Knives
Small Throwing Knives 2010-11-29
Iron Throwing Knives
Tribal Knives - clearer
Small Throwing Knives Iron Throwing Knives Tribal Throwing Knives
800g 2,810g 6,610g

Dagger Ammo[]

Icon Name Description Cost (Gold)
Dagger throw Throwing Knife (25) Ammunition for the Asp skill. 3
Dagger adder Venom Dagger (25) Ammunition for the Adder skill. 7
Dagger sidewinder Sidewinder (25) Ammunition for the Sidewinder skill. 11
Dagger vipers nest Viper Brace (5) Ammunition for the Viper's Nest skill. 7

Dagger Belt[]

DaggerBelt Additional Daggers Held Cost
Small Belt +25 Throwing/Venom/Sidewinders, +10 Vipers 200g
Medium Belt +50 Throwing/Venom/Sidewinders, +20 Vipers 800g
Large Belt +50 Throwing/Venom/Sidewinders, +35 Vipers 2,400g