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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
Redd Kackler
Golden Undead Prospector
Enemy type Boss
Faction Jolly Roger's Army
Health 44,625 HP
Level(s) 55
Location(s) Bilgewater
Skeleton icon

Redd Kackler is a frightfully lethal Golden Undead Prospector boss and a member of Jolly Roger's skeleton army. He's in charge of the Golden Undead Skeletons that toil down in the mines.

He appears at Level 55 with a health of 44,625 HP.


Redd resides in a small grotto in the Gilded Quarry. When you first enter the Quarry from the Bilgewater Cemetery, you can see him below through an opening in the cave wall.


Kackler is one of the most powerful bosses in the Caribbean. While his high level and health are tremendous, it's his powerful strikes that make him so dangerous. He can fell some pirates in a single blow!

Game Notes[]

  • This enemy cannot drop a legendary weapons.
  • This enemy cannot drop any of the bilgewater weapons.
  • While the other Golden Undead Prospector wielding duel cutlasses. Redd Kackler just wielding a cutlass. Perhaps, it was made to make Redd Kackler a fair fight. Since he's already a tough enemy with high health and damage, and due to duel cutlasses deals double the damage. It would have been impossible to go against him.
  • Redd Kackler was not part of the original Pirates Online but added to The Legend of Pirates Online.

Redd Kackler Fight
