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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
Loadingscreen minigame potions


A Potion is a magical concoction made up of various ingredients that can give the pirate special abilities or change them in some fashion. More powerful potions are often more complex to make. Some can boost your skills, others can keep you alive longer, and some are just for show.

Potions Pouch[]


Each pirate has a Potions Pouch. This pouch also contains any health tonics or food the pirate has. The pouch will show how many of each item the pirate has.

It can carry up to 5 of each type of potion or tonic. And there's space for 42 different potions for a total of 210 potions max.

To use a health tonic, you can press 'T' at any time.

But, to use a Potion, you must press 'I' (Inventory) and then the Tonics tab and locate the potion you wish to use.

Right-click on the potion or drag over "Drink Potion" at the bottom for your pirate to consume it. Effects are immediate and last for the duration listed.

Making Potions[]

Screenshot 2010-11-02 16-05-45
Potion Recipe List

To make a potion, find a Potion Table near a gypsy on one of the main islands (Port Royal, Tortuga, Padres Del Fuego or Cuba).

Press Shift to start brewing.

The mini-game screen will open.

You will then see your Potion Recipe List. Only the Potions listed in black can be made. These are the potions your pirate knows the recipes to.

As your pirate increases their Potions Skill, they will acquire new recipes, some may require specific ingredients only found on specific islands - Dried Bone on Cuba, Gold Coin on Tortuga and Hot Magma on Padres Del Fuego.

Select a Potion Recipe, then play the mini-game to assemble the needed ingredients. Once all ingredients are gathered, the potion will be added to your Potions Pouch.

Potion Mini-Game[]

Potion Playfield

Potion ingredients are made by adding various elements and combining them to make more complex elements. The game puts out two ingredient elements together. The pirate then moves them into position or rotates them.

Use the mouse to position the elements, right-click to rotate their order and left-click to drop them.

When three or more elements of the same kind come into contact, they merge into a more complex element (e.g. three Crab Claws become one Crab Jelly element).

Some ingredients are several levels deep to make. But, new elements are always coming in random order making it difficult to combine the results. The harder the recipe, the more advanced elements are needed.

Once the correct element has been created, it is removed and added to the recipe. You gain reputation points for each completed ingredient. When three or more elements of highest complexity (the Soul elements in each ingredient line) combine, they disappear and grant bonus reputation points.

When the recipe is complete, you will have the potion added to your Potions Pouch.

Ingredient Elements[]

This chart shows all of the Elements in ascending order. Once you combine three of the more basic element, then you create 1 of the next level and so on. If you combine more than three at a time, you will create more of the advanced element. (ex. 4 Scorpion Stingers = 2 Scorpion Venom). If you combine three or more souls of any kind, you will gain additional reputation points, and the potion you are making will finish itself.

Note: Some ingredients are island-specific. Magma ingredients are found on Padres Del Fuego, Gold ingredients on Tortuga and Cursed ingredients on Cuba.

Potion Ingredients

Potions Skill[]

Pirates have a Potions Skill to create their potions. All pirates start at Potion Skill Level 1 and can only build the first two potions, but with each new level their ability adds more recipes to the list.

As the pirate completes potions or even just completes an ingredient, they earn reputation points which increases their skill.

Currently, the maximum level is 20. Like all other skills, there is a chance that this cap will be made 30, if more potions are added.

Mastered Potions

Types of Potions[]

The various potions do everything from grant increased abilities to physically altering the pirate. Each potion will have its own combination of ingredients.

All pirates start at Potions Skill level 1, but by completing potion recipes they can earn Reputation and obtain newer levels and more complicated formulas.

The Legend of Pirates Online[]

Note: Certain potions below can only be brewed by your pirate. More potent potions are sold from Bilgewater gypsies or looted from flagships.

Level 1
Potion Marksman Draught Marksman Draught I (13 rep)
Increases gun damage by 10% for 10 minutes.
Potion Swashbuckler Stew Swashbuckler Stew I (13 rep)
Increases sword damage by 10% for 10 minutes.
Level 2
Potions Cannoneer Draft Cannoneer Draft I (18 rep)
Increases cannon damage by 10% for 10 minutes.
Potion Mystic Mixture Mystic Mixture I (18 rep)
Increases voodoo damage by 10% for 10 minutes.
Level 3
Potion Swift Foot Swift Foot I (23 rep)
Increases running speed by 30% for 10 minutes.
Potion Belchin' Brew Belchin' Brew (28 rep)
Makes your pirate burp a noxious gas.
Level 4
Potion Flatulent Fizz Flatulent Fizz (33 rep)
Makes a pirate pass a noxious gas.
Potion Deadeye Deadeye I (30 rep)
Increases weapon accuracy by 10% for 10 minutes.
Potion Combustion Cocktail Combustion Cocktail I (35 rep)
Increases grenade damage by 10% for 10 minutes.
Level 5
Potion Lively Bucko Brew Lively Bucko Brew I (35 rep)
Health restored by 3% every 2 seconds for 5 minutes.
Potion Ghastly Visage Ghastly Visage (55 rep)
Changes your pirate's skin color radically!
Potion Pantano Silver Spirit Pantano Silver Spirit I (35 rep) Brewing Only
Increases voodoo staff damages by 10% for 10 minutes.
Level 6
Potion Marksman Draught Marksman Draught II (40 rep)
Increases gun damage by 15% for 20 minutes.
Potion Swashbuckler Stew Swashbuckler Stew II (40 rep)
Increases sword damage by 15% for 20 minutes.
Potion Clap OThunder Clap O'Thunder (90 rep)
Removes the groggy effect. Only works for novice pirates.
Level 7
Potions Cannoneer Draft Cannoneer Draft II (45 rep)
Increases cannon damage by 15% for 20 minutes.
Potion Mystic Mixture Mystic Mixture II (45 rep)
Increases voodoo damage by 15% for 20 minutes.
Level 8
Potion Swift Foot Swift Foot II (50 rep)
Increases running speed by 30% for 20 minutes.
Potion Flatulent Fizz Staff Enchant I Brewing Only
Charges up a Voodoo Staff. (Quest only)
Level 9
Potion Deadeye Deadeye II (55 rep)
Increases weapon accuracy by 15% for 20 minutes.
Potion Puke Potion Puke Potion (55 rep)
Makes your pirate puke up their lunch for 1 minute.
Potion Combustion Cocktail Combustion Cocktail II (90 rep)
Increases grenade damage by 15% for 20 minutes.
Level 10
Potion Lively Bucko Brew Lively Bucko Brew II (60 rep)
Health restored by 3% every 2 seconds for 10 minutes.
Potion Shrinkin Grog Shrinkin' Grog (60 rep) Brewing Only
Makes your pirate grow very very small!
Level 11
Potion Marksman Draught Marksman Draught III (65 rep) Bilgewater
Increases gun damage by 20% for 30 minutes.
Potion Swashbuckler Stew Swashbuckler Stew III (65 rep) Bilgewater
Increases sword damage by 20% for 30 minutes.
Potion Pantano Silver Spirit Pantano Silver Spirit II (unknown rep) Brewing Only
Increases voodoo staff damages by 15% for 20 minutes.
Level 12
Potions Cannoneer Draft Cannoneer Draft III (70 rep) Bilgewater
Increases cannon damage by 20% for 30 minutes.
Potion Mystic Mixture Mystic Mixture III (70 rep) Bilgewater
Increases voodoo damage by 20% for 30 minutes.
Level 13
Potion Swift Foot Swift Foot III (73 rep) Bilgewater
Increases running speed by 30% for 30 minutes.
Potion Phantom Spirits Phantom Spirits I (75 rep)
Grants invisibility for 5 minutes.
Level 14
Potion Plunder Potion Plunder Potion I (80 rep)
Increases gold earned by 15% for 10 minutes.
Potion Deadeye Deadeye III (80 rep) Bilgewater
Increases weapon accuracy by 20% for 30 minutes.
Level 15
Potion Hardy Matey Hardy Matey I (85 rep)
Increases reputation gained by 15% for 10 minutes.
Potion Lively Bucko Brew Lively Bucko Brew III (85 rep) Bilgewater
Health restored by 3% every 2 seconds for 20 minutes.
Potion Mejor Muertos Mojito Muertos Mojito (85 rep) Bilgewater
Changes your pirate into the undead. Allows PvP anywhere for 10 minutes. (You can't harm the living)
Potion Combustion Cocktail Combustion Cocktail III (140 rep) Bilgewater
Increases grenade damage by 20% for 30 minutes.
Level 16
Potion Growin Grog Growin' Grog (95 rep) Brewing Only
Makes a pirate become HUGE!
Potion Pantano Silver Spirit Pantano Silver Spirit III (unknown rep) Bilgewater
Increases voodoo staff damages by 20% for 30 minutes.
Level 17
Potion Lively Bucko Brew Lively Bucko Brew IV (100 rep)
Health restored by 3% every 2 seconds for 30 minutes.
Potion Addled Elixir Addled Elixir (105 rep) Brewing Only
Lights your head with a blue fire!
Level 18
Potion Phantom Spirits Phantom Spirits II (110 rep) Bilgewater
Grants invisibility for 10 minutes.
Level 19
Potion Hardy Matey Hardy Matey II (115 rep) Bilgewater
Increases reputation gained by 30% for 20 minutes.
Potion Plunder Potion Plunder Potion II (110 rep) Bilgewater
Increases gold earned by 30% for 20 minutes.
Level 20
Potion Stinger Stew Stinger Stew
Changes your pirate into a Scorpion!
Potion Gator Grog Gator Grog
Changes your pirate into an Alligator!
Potion Pincer Potion Pincer Potion
Changes your pirate into a Crab!
Potion Flatulent Fizz Staff Enchant II Brewing Only
Charges up a Voodoo Staff.
Potion Phantom Spirits Phantom Spirits III (250 rep) Brewing Only
Grants invisibility for 15 minutes.
Potion Plunder Potion Plunder Potion III (250 rep)
Increases gold earned by 45% for 30 minutes.
Potion Hardy Matey Hardy Matey III (150 rep)
Increases reputation gained by 45% for 30 minutes.
Potion Mejor Muertos Mojito Mejor Muertos Mojito (115 rep)
Changes your pirate into the undead. Allows PvP anywhere for 20 minutes. (You can't harm the living)
Reward Potions

Note: Can be obtained only from the Black Pearl Battle, the Queen Anne's Revenge, Flagships, the Bilgewater gypsies or redeem codes.

Potion Flatulent Fizz Super Flatulent Fizz Redeem code
This potion will make you fart, a lot!
Potion Belchin' Brew Summon Chicken Redeem code
Summon a pet chicken!
Potion Belchin' Brew Summon Dog Redeem code
Summons a mostly scruffy, but slightly loyal dog!
Potion Belchin' Brew Summon Wasp Redeem code
Summons an intimidating wasp, let your foes cuddle it!
Potion Hardy Matey Jack's Brew Any Flagship/Black Pearl
Increases reputation gained by 500% for an hour!
Potion Reputation Booster Reputation Booster Redeem code
Increases reputation gained by 100% for an hour!
Potion Chicken Soup Chicken Soup Redeem code
Changes your pirate into a Chicken!
Potion Roster Booze Rooster Booze Redeem code
Changes your pirate into a Rooster!
Potion Wisp of Wasp Wisp of Wasp Bilgewater Gypsies
Changes your pirate into a Wasp!
Potion Pig Potion Pig Potion Redeem code
Changes your pirate into a Pig!
Potion Canine Concoction Canine Concoction Redeem code
Changes your pirate into a Dog!
Potion Spirit of Stump Spirit of Stump Redeem code
Changes your pirate into a Stump!
No IMG Fire Bat Fluid Redeem code
Changes your pirate into a Fire Bat!

Pirates of the Caribbean Online[]

The long lost recipe of potions from back in the old pirate days. Which it was originally preserved moments before the end of POTCO.

Level 1
Potion Marksman Draught Marksman Draught I (13 rep)
Increases gun damage by 10% for 3 minutes.
Potion Swashbuckler Stew Swashbuckler Stew I (13 rep)
Increases sword damage by 10% for 3 minutes.
Level 2
Potions Cannoneer Draft Cannoneer Draft I (18 rep)
Increases cannon damage by 10% for 3 minutes.
Potion Mystic Mixture Mystic Mixture I (18 rep)
Increases voodoo damage by 10% for 3 minutes.
Level 3
Potion Swift Foot Swift Foot I (23 rep)
Increases running speed by 30% for 1 minute.
Potion Belchin' Brew Belchin' Brew (28 rep)
Makes your pirate burp a noxious gas.
Level 4
Potion Flatulent Fizz Flatulent Fizz (33 rep)
Makes a pirate pass a noxious gas.
Potion Deadeye Deadeye I (30 rep)
Increases weapon accuracy by 10% for 3 minutes.
Level 5
Potion Lively Bucko Brew Lively Bucko Brew I (35 rep)
Health restored by 3% every 2 seconds for 2 minutes.
Potion Ghastly Visage Ghastly Visage (55 rep)
Changes your pirate's skin color radically!
Level 6
Potion Marksman Draught Marksman Draught II (40 rep)
Increases gun damage by 15% for 4 minutes.
Potion Swashbuckler Stew Swashbuckler Stew II (40 rep)
Increases sword damage by 15% for 4 minutes.
Level 7
Potions Cannoneer Draft Cannoneer Draft II (45 rep)
Increases cannon damage by 15% for 4 minutes.
Potion Mystic Mixture Mystic Mixture II (45 rep)
Increases voodoo damage by 15% for 4 minutes.
Level 8
Potion Swift Foot Swift Foot II (50 rep)
Increases running speed by 30% for 3 minutes.
Potion Flatulent Fizz Staff Enchant I
Charges up a Voodoo Staff.
Level 9

Note: Puke Potion is no longer available.

Potion Deadeye Deadeye II (55 rep)
Increases weapon accuracy by 15% for 4 minutes.
Potion Puke Potion Puke Potion (55 rep)
Makes your pirate puke up their lunch for 1 minute.
Level 10
Potion Lively Bucko Brew Lively Bucko Brew II (60 rep)
Health restored by 3% every 2 seconds for 3 minutes.
Potion Shrinkin Grog Shrinkin' Grog (60 rep)
Makes your pirate grow very very small!
Level 11
Potion Marksman Draught Marksman Draught III (65 rep)
Increases gun damage by 20% for 5 minutes.
Potion Swashbuckler Stew Swashbuckler Stew III (65 rep)
Increases sword damage by 20% for 5 minutes.
Level 12
Potions Cannoneer Draft Cannoneer Draft III (70 rep)
Increases cannon damage by 20% for 5 minutes.
Potion Mystic Mixture Mystic Mixture III (70 rep)
Increases voodoo damage by 20% for 5 minutes.
Level 13
Potion Swift Foot Swift Foot III (73 rep)
Increases running speed by 30% for 6 minutes.
Potion Phantom Spirits Phantom Spirits I (75 rep)
Grants invisibility for 1 minute.
Level 14
Potion Plunder Potion Plunder Potion I (80 rep)
Increases gold earned by 30% for 3 minutes.
Potion Deadeye Deadeye III (80 rep)
Increases weapon accuracy by 20% for 5 minutes.
Level 15
Potion Hardy Matey Hardy Matey I (85 rep)
Increases reputation gained by 15% for 3 minutes.
Potion Lively Bucko Brew Lively Bucko Brew III (85 rep)
Health restored by 3% every 2 seconds for 4 minutes.
Level 16
Potion Growin Grog Growin' Grog (95 rep)
Makes a pirate become HUGE!
Potion Clap OThunder Clap O'Thunder (90 rep)
Removes the groggy effect.
Level 17
Potion Lively Bucko Brew Lively Bucko Brew IV (100 rep)
Health restored by 3% every 2 seconds for 5 minutes.
Potion Addled Elixir Addled Elixir (105 rep)
Lights your head on fire!
Level 18
Potion Phantom Spirits Phantom Spirits II (110 rep)
Grants invisibility for 2 minutes.
Level 19
Potion Hardy Matey Hardy Matey II (115 rep)
Increases reputation gained by 30% for 3 minutes.
Potion Plunder Potion Plunder Potion II (110 rep)
Increases gold earned by 50% for 3 minutes.
Level 20

Note: Most Level 20 potions are currently not available.

Potion Stinger Stew Stinger Stew
Changes your pirate into a Scorpion!
Potion Gator Grog Gator Grog
Changes your pirate into an Alligator!
Potion Pincer Potion Pincer Potion
Changes your pirate into a Crab!
Potion Flatulent Fizz Staff Enchant II
Charges up a Voodoo Staff.
*Recurring Rewards Potion

Note: Can be found only after finishing the Black Pearl Battle or defeating The Queen Anne's Revenge.

Potion Belchin' Brew Summon Chicken
Summon a pet chicken!
Redeem Code and Contest Reward Potions
Potion Flatulent Fizz Super Flatulent Fizz
This potion will make you fart, a lot!
Potion Belchin' Brew Summon Chicken
Summon a pet chicken!
Potion Belchin' Brew Summon Dog
Summons a mostly scruffy, but slightly loyal dog!
Potion Belchin' Brew Summon Wasp
Summons an intimidating wasp, let your foes cuddle it!
Potion Hardy Matey Jack's Brew
Increases reputation gained by 500% for an hour!
Potion Reputation Booster Reputation Booster
Increases reputation gained by 100% for an hour!
Potion Chicken Soup Chicken Soup
Changes your pirate into a Chicken!
Potion Roster Booze Rooster Booze
Changes your pirate into a Rooster!

Game Tips[]

  • If your potion can be made anywhere, try Port Royal. There are fewer ingredients available (three total), making it easier and faster to brew your potion.
  • You do NOT have to mix the most complicated potions just because you earn them. If you want to power level, some potions are definitely easier than others. Swift Foot is probably the simplest to make for the amount of rep earned.
  • You do not receive bonus crew rep for making potions.
  • If you have made all the potions that you currently can, leave the table, and sell some of the easiest potions to make, such as Swift Foot or Lively Bucko Brew, then make them again. All potions are worth at least 25 gold.
  • If you merge three or more soul ingredients of the same type (ex. three cursed soul), they will give you extra rep. The more you merge at a time, the more rep you get, often you get +10 rep.
  • If you combine more then 3 elements more of the next level elements are formed.
  • When potion elements are combined, the new element is always formed where the middle element was. Keep this in mind when building chains.

Game Notes[]

  • In The Legend of Pirates Online, the Potion Overhaul update on July 12th, 2020, Reputation gained while making potions has been doubled for almost every potion. The potions that affect the statistics of your pirate has their effect durations altered and now last for 10, 20 and 30 mins long.
  • During the Raven's Cove Story Quest you have to brew a staff potion, which is a level 8 potion. The Staff Potion II is a bonus and requires level 20 potions. If the bonus potion is completed, you will get a rare Burnt Staff that boosts Flaming Skull by 2, has an attack of 22 and the Dark Aura ability. The potions is only available for the mission, and once completed, cannot be made again.
  • You cannot see all the Potions that are available to make unless you are a certain number of levels below that level potion.
  • It helps to build towers with the pieces. This can be easily accomplished by rotating the ingredient pairs so that there is no overlap between them.
  • Using the Jack's Brew potion does not increase rep earned through potion making.


Below is the soundtrack played while playing the Potion Brewing Mini Game.
