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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirate Panacea Potion Card
Pirate Panacea Potion

Pirate Panacea is a very potent Rare potion that recovers both health and voodoo. This particular medicine is only sold by the Gypsies of Bilgewater and even then only after the pirate completes the Story Quest: The Keepers of the Code.

When your pirate's health or voodoo levels get too low, restore them using the T key to drink a tonic. Depending on your health level, the game automatically selects the best choice to recover the most health.

Or from the your Sea Chest, open the Potions Pouch and right-click on Pirate Panacea to consume it.

Panacea can also be used to Revive fellow pirates who have fallen in battle after having been knocked out by enemies. This will prevent downed players from going to jail, but your pirate will sacrifice one of their tonics to heal your mate.

Tonic Name Description Health Voodoo Cost
Pirate Panacea Potion Pirate Panacea* A powerful cure-all for whatever ails ye. 2000 500 500

*Available only in The Legend of Pirates Online
