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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
Potion Phantom Spirits

Phantom Spirits is a magical Potion that makes the pirate turn invisible. The pirate can see him or herself as a ghostly silhouette, but is completely invisible to other buccaneers and enemies, which makes it very useful during the Muertos Moon and PvP.


Many pirates use this potion when travelling around Rage Ghosts and other powerful enemies as it will cause you to remain unharmed. This potion can only be made on Cuba since it requires bone ingredients.

This potion is also available from the gypsies on Bilgewater.

Rank 1[]

Phantom Spirits 1 Recipe Potion Level 13 Required

Grants Invisibility for 5 Minutes


  • 6 Cursed Extracts

Rank 2[]

Phantom Spirits 2 Recipe Level 18 Potion Skill Needed

Grants Invisibility for 10 Minutes


  • 4 Cursed Essences

Rank 3[]

Phantom Spirits 3 Recipe Required Potion Skill Level 20

Grants Invisibility for 15 Minutes


  • 5 Curse Essence

Game Notes[]

  • Attempting to attack an enemy cancels the invisibility effect immediately. This includes using Take Aim.
  • Attuning a friend with a Voodoo Doll will also cancel the invisibility effect.
  • There exists a bug where a pirate's eyes will turn ghastly white, lacking irises or pupils, after the potion's effects wear off. This can be resolved by simply drinking another potion.
  • In July 2020, The Legend of Pirates Online overhauled the Potion Skill to more them more effective and some easier to make. All adding the Rank 3 version. Below are the original recipes.