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Navy Veteran's
Navy Veteran's Bayonet
Break Attack Bayonet Rush Rank 2
Boost(s) Bayonet Stab Boost +2

Dodge Boost +2

Attack Power 62
Barrels 1
Group Navy Dragoon's Bayonet Group
Location Can only be found in loot from a Navy Veteran (Royal Navy) or Cannon Defense.
Rarity Famed
Required Level 21
Value 224 Gold
Weapon Model

A Navy Veteran's Bayonet is a very well-crafted Famed Bayonet that grants the user the Bayonet Rush combo. This weapon also provides boosts to the wielder's Bayonet Stab and Dodge attack skill, although you technically cannot upgrade Bayonet Stab manually.

This Bayonet has the weakest attack of any Famed Musket in the game.

Game Note:[]

Weapon Group: Navy Bayonet Group

Navy Dragoon Group

Screen Shot 2012-04-22 at 2.31.13 PM Navy Guard's Bayonet Navy Musketeer's Bayonet Navy Veteran's Bayonet Navy Dragoon's Bayonet
