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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
Murder Hornets
Striped Hornet Profile
Enemy type Wasp
Health 7,395-8,760hp
Level(s) 51-56
Location(s) Everlasting Falls
Weapon(s) used Stinger
Skeleton icon

Murder Hornets are aggressive insect critters and a larger variation of Wasps. They've earned their name from the unfortunate souls who unwittingly crossed their path.

They can appear as high as Level 56 (8,760 HP) and hover around their nests in clusters, so be careful approaching are they will swarm at you.


Murder Hornets are usually gathered near other Hornets and Yellow Jackets, all of which of can be very aggressive. They are far more dangerous than regular wasps. They will keep attacking once disturbed and other Hornets will join them!

If you can get far enough away, they will eventually give up and return to their nest.


