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Pirates Online Wiki
Master Throwing Knives
Unique Ability None
Attack Power 38
Cost 18,040
Location Blacksmiths
Rarity Common
Required Level Dagger 27
Value 902 Gold
Weapon Model
Dirk E

Master Throwing Knives are common Throwing Knives with no abilities but are still finely-crafted, fairly potent weapons. These are among the most expensive sets of knives you can buy, thus making them quite valuable when found.

They can be purchased from Blacksmiths on Padres Del Fuego or found in loot drops from Foulberto Smasho. They do require a highly trained pirate to use.

This blade and hilt are identical to Assassin's Throwing Knives and the legendary Silver Freeze.

Game Note[]

  • Even though the info card claims: "Faster recharge on Throwing Skills" there is no change to the cool-downs. Perhaps they were originally meant to have such a skill.