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Pirates Online Wiki
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LaSchafe is a level 41-52 jumbee boss, who is the first mate of The Queen Anne's Revenge, Blackbeard's fearsome flagship.

This boss appears in the third wave of The Queen Anne's Revenge Boss Battle. You may want to bring some help because they will be very difficult to defeat alone; usually appearing at level 52 ( but not always).

LaSchafe always drops loot with a Mutineer's Charm and a rare potion; even Summon Chicken!

Game Notes[]

  • In the "Looking Back Over The Stern" section in the news, it is stated that Jolly Roger has a voodoo doll of this particular zombie, and is controlling him and the crew, thus controlling The Queen Anne's Revenge's every move.
  • After the Ship Customization update, LaSchafe's appearance seems to be random; even having a female body at times.
  • His original body wore a Brown Stripe Jacket, a Black Bicorne, a Zombie Trouser, a Worn in Boots, and a Pink Basic Sash.
  • In Pirates of the Caribbean Online Test Server, when The Queen Anne's Revenge's was released in May 5, 2011. LaSchafe original level ranges used to be somewhere in the 60s - 70s. His level ranges was changed in the Live Server due to a very time consuming boss battle for a flagship.
    LaSchafe Female

    LaSchafe female body.
