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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
Boss Icon
Humphrey Bailey
Image by James O'Martin
Image by James O'Martin
Enemy type Dragoon
Faction Royal Navy
Health 10,250-13,750
Level(s) 23-30
Location(s) Kingshead, Beckett's Quarry, Catacombs, El Sudoron
Weapon(s) used Bayonet

Humphrey Bailey is an officer in the Royal Navy and a Dragoon Boss, who can occasionally be found on Kingshead or in areas on Padres Del Fuego in place of a regular Dragoon.

He appears at levels 23-48, with notably higher health.

Like other Dragoons, Humphrey attacks the pirate with his bayonet. He is fairly dangerous to any beginning or medium level pirates who encounter him.

Game Note[]

  • Bailey was not in the original Pirates Online. He was added as a boss in The Legend of Pirates Online.
  • Like many other random human mini-bosses, Humphrey's appeance may change from time to time.