Gorilla Blunderbuss | |
Abilities | |
Break Attack | Monkey Panic Rank 3 |
Boost(s) | Dodge +3 |
Immunities | Sure Footed Rank 3 |
Info | |
Attack Power | 80 |
Barrels | 1 |
Group | Gorilla Blunderbuss Group |
Location | Can only be found in loot. |
Range | Short |
Rarity | Famed |
Required Level | Gun 25 |
Value | 304 Gold |
Weapon Model | |
The Gorilla Blunderbuss is a very powerful Famed weapon. This blunderbuss has a very effective Monkey Panic attack and a Sure Footed defense, making it more of a defense-oriented weapon. This Blunderbuss also gives a good boost of the Dodge ability.
Gorilla Blunderbuss Group | |