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Pirates Online Wiki
Gilded 2

The Gilded Quarry is an area on Bilgewater deep below the island. Originally founded as a small gold mining operation, a small colony tried to eke out an existence on the island but failed. When Jeremiah Seastone decided to make the island the headquarters for The Keepers of the Code, Madam Bernadette cast a spell to grow the amount of gold down in the mines - so the guild could become self-sufficient.

And while the spell appears to have worked, with rich gold veins lining the rock walls, there may have been unintended circumstances.


There are two entrances to the Gilded Quarry. One near the Bilgewater Cemetery and the other entry down on the beach.



  • Owen Collier - Miner, cowering from the Golden Undead behind a stack of crates.
  • Victor Quislin - Miner, cowering from the Golden Undead behind a mining cart.




When inside the Gilded Quarry, the pirate can look at a Mini-Map by pressing the F8 key to see where they are and where other landmarks inside the mine can be found.

Gilded Quarry Mini-Map


Pirates will need to visit here as part of the Chapter 5: The Keepers of the Code Story Quest, investigating the source of the Undead Golden Skeletons that haunt the quarry.



A number of searchable wooden crates are scattered about the quarry.


Like other places in the Caribbean, large oak barrels are places all over the Quarry and can be searched as part of various quests.

Dig Spots[]

In addition to the traditional X dig spots found all over the Caribbean, Bilgewater also has Gold Deposits the pirate can dig at with a Pickaxe. These ore deposits are part of the Story Quest: The Keepers of the Code, but may be used in other quests later as well.

Regular Dig Spot Locations[]

Gilded Quarry Dig Spot 1

Gold Deposit Locations[]


The Gilded Quarry is also sadly littered with the skeletal bodies of miners who met their fates in the mine, whether from overwork or at the hands of the Golden Undead. These corpses however did NOT become undead themselves, which may have occurred due to Madam Bernadette's powerful protection magic. The pirate will need to investigate and search these remains as part of the Story Quest: The Keepers of the Code.

Game Notes[]
