Foul Bane Blunderbuss | |
Abilities | |
Boost(s) | Eagle Eye +2 |
Defense Ability | Hex Ward Rank 2 |
Infinite Ammo | Infinite Silver Shot Rank 1 |
Info | |
Attack Power | 75 |
Barrels | 1 |
Group | Fullmoon Blunderbuss Group |
Location | Can only be found in loot. |
Range | Short |
Rarity | Rare |
Required Level | Gun 25 |
Value | 189 Gold |
Weapon Model | |
The Foul Bane Blunderbuss is a very powerful rare blunderbuss. It gives its user the Hex Ward Defense Skill, as well as the Infinite Silver Shot ability, and an Eagle Eye boost.
Fullmoon Blunder Group | |