This gallery contains the info cards for known Famed Weapons and items. Famed Weapons and equipment are some of the most powerful and hard to find items in El Patron's Lost Weapons stash. These items were previously known as Lost Relics, but were renamed (some of the pictures here have the old "Lost Relic" tag.). Famed weapons can be identified by the blue weapon card on them.
Note: Legendary Weapons are different from Famed weapons.
Cutlasses - | Broadswords - | Sabres - | Repeater Pistols - | Single-shot Pistols - | Muskets - | Bayonets |
Blunderbusses - | Voodoo Dolls - | Daggers - | Throwing Knives - | Voodoo Staves - | Grenades - | Sailing - |
Cannon Rams -
CutlassesBroadswordsSabresRepeater PistolsSingle-shot PistolsMusketsBayonetsBlunderbussesVoodoo DollsDaggersThrowing KnivesVoodoo StavesGrenadesSailing
Cannon Rams |