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Pirates Online Wiki
Divine Cutlass
Divine Cutlass
Boost(s) Flourish +2
Immunities Life Drain Rank 1
Unique Ability Cleanse Rank 3
Attack Power 70
Group Sacred Cutlass Group
Location Can only be found in loot.
Rarity Famed
Required Level 25
Value 637 Gold
Weapon Model

The Divine Cutlass is a Famed Cutlass. It is the fourth Weapon of the the Sacred Cutlass Group. This Famed Cutlass gives the Cleanse Weapon Skill which can cure its wielder of all ill effects. The Life Drain Immunity this weapon possesses allows for its owner to be immune to all Life Drain attacks. The +2 boost to the Flourish skill helps make this weapon even more deadly.

Sacred Cutlasses

Silver Cutlass Holy Cutlass Sacred Cutlass Divine Cutlass
