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Pirates Online Wiki
Corsair's Cutlass
Corsair's Cutlass - clearer
Attack Ability Rolling Attack Rank 3
Boost(s) Parry +3
Brawl +2
Endurance +1
Attack Power 72
Group Seven Seas Group
Location Loot
Rarity Famed
Required Level 26
Value 892 Gold
Weapon Model
Cutlass I

The Corsair's Cutlass is a famed and finely crafted cutlass. This powerful blade gives its user a very lethal Rolling Attack skill, as well as enhancing sword fighting skills by providing boosts to Parry, Brawl and Endurance skills.

It can only be found in Loot.

Seven Seas Cutlass Group

Sea Dog's Cutlass Swashbuckler's Cutlass1 Buccaneer's Cutlass PrivateersCutlass Corsair's Cutlass - clearer UpdatedSevenSeasCutlass
