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Voodoo staff


The Voodoo Staff is a magical item which can send quick energy blasts or even more powerful special attacks, such as Flaming Skull, or Desolation. You hold down the Left-Mouse button or the Ctrl button to charge it up. The staff is a widely respected weapon and widely used around the Caribbean for its power to destroy many enemies at once.

Even more powerful than a Voodoo Doll, staves (or staffs, as some pirates like to call them) allow a pirate to use voodoo spells against enemies at a distance. Unlike the voodoo doll, the staff does not have to be attuned to a target first. Most of the voodoo spells are line-of-sight or have an area or aura effect.

Level Up![]


Leveling up your voodoo staff adds +4 HP, +6 Voodoo

Obtaining the Voodoo Staff[]

The staff is not available until the pirate reaches Notoriety level 30.

Once summoned by Tia Dalma, the pirate then sets about a major quest to assemble, then charge up the staff as part of the Voodoo Staff Unlock Quest.

The Voodoo Staff can also be unlocked by obtaining the Burnt Staff from the Raven's Cove Story Quest. Reciving the Burnt Staff will automatically unlock the Voodoo Staff weapon. The Voodoo Staff Unlock Quest will stay in the journal but will not need to be completed to use the Voodoo Staff. All that is needed to use the Voodoo Staff is the Cursed Staff which can be purchased from any of the Gypsy's.

With the new loot and inventory system, there are now four different types of staves. There are the original Voodoo Staves from before new weapons were released (Cursed Staff, Warped Staff, Rend Staff, Harrow Staff and Vile Staff), and new types of staves such as Dark Staves, Nature Staves, and Warding Staves.

These auras radiate around the staff user. Any pirate inside the aura will benefit from these effects.

The pirate will receive the Cursed Staff as their first voodoo staff, but more powerful ones are available from a gypsy or by completing additional quests, or from Loot drops. There are not many loot drop staves but most of them aren't very good if you have mastered the Voodoo Staff.


Unlike a voodoo doll, which requires the user to attune their enemy or friend, the staff user just has to aim at their targets. The staff can however not be used to heal allies outside of the Nature Aura ability. To use a staff spell, hold down Ctrl or the Left-Mouse button to 'charge' up the staff before releasing the full spell. Each full casting takes voodoo power. The stronger the spell, the more voodoo it takes and the longer time it takes to cast.

If the spell is interrupted, or the user releases the attack key before the spell is complete, it 'fizzles' and there is no effect at all.

A user can also quickly click the attack button to release a Blast. Blast only deals marginal damage, but restores 50 voodoo per hit.

It does take time to charge most staff attacks, so when using it be aware that the enemy will attack you while you are charging unless the enemy is killed with one attack.

Types of Staves[]

Crude *

*There are no Crude Staves available in the game.

Rarity Name Attack Level Req. Abilities Cost
Bone Staff 3 5 Dark Aura 1 3,610g
Burnt Staff 22 16 Dark Aura 1, Flaming Skull +2 Complete Madam Zigana's Bonus Task in the Raven's Cove Story Quest / 175,000g
Cajun Staff 42 28 Dark Aura 3, Flaming Skull +3, Conservation +2 Loot from Raven's Cove
Candy Cane Staff 25 17 Conservation +2, Healing Boost 2 600 Small Moonstones, 400 Large Moonstones
Charred Staff 30 22 Dark Aura 2, Flaming Skull +2, Conservation +1 600 Large Bones, 2 Haunted Bones / Loot from Raven's Cove
Corpse Staff 36 30 Flaming Skull +3, Spirit Mastery +2 150 Small Bones 250 Large Bones 40 Haunted Bones
Cursed Staff (Quest) 2 30 NoneFree/100g
Dark Omen 45 30 Flaming Skull +3, Concentration +3, Dark Curse 3 Loot
Death Staff 28 25 Dark Aura 1 22,050g
Defender Staff 4 7 Warding Aura 1 5,670g
Demon Skull Staff 45 30 Spirit Mastery +3, Soul Flay +2, Dark Aura 3, Cursed Immunity 800 Large Bones, 60 Haunted Bones
Dire Staff 28 21 Dark Aura 2, Spirit Mastery +2 Code
Dread Staff 2 2 Soul Flay +1 Loot
Exorcism Staff 38 26 Spirit Lore +3, Banish +3, Warding Aura 3 N/A
Frostedge Staff 41 30 Warding Aura 3, Wither +3, Desolation +2 Loot
Grim Staff 10 10 Dark Aura 1 600
Guardian Staff 23 22 Warding Aura 1 23,960
Harrow Staff (Quest) 6 15 Powerful 3 Free w/ Quest
Healing Staff 3 6 Nature Aura 1 4,340g
Juju Staff 1 5 Blast +1 Loot
Life Staff 2826Nature Aura 126,460g
Mending Staff 911Nature Aura 17,940g
Navigator's Staff 3227Nature Aura 3, Wither +2, Spirit Lore +280 Large Bones + 30 Haunted Bones
Overseer Staff 1617Warding Aura 115,750g
Rend Staff 4 10 Powerful 2 N/A
Renewal Staff 2121Nature Aura 118,380g
Restoration Staff 1516Nature Aura 112,620g
Rotten Staff 23NoneLoot
Singed Staff 10 10 Dark Aura 1, Flaming Skull +1 Loot
Skeletal Staff 1615Dark Aura 111,250g
Skull Staff 1715Dark Aura 1, Spirit Mastery +1Code
Spirit Burner Staff 128Dark Aura 2, Soul Flay +2, Blast +1Loot
Spirit Shredder Staff 21 11 Dark Aura 3, Soul Flay +2, Blast +2 Loot
Staff of Ice 3030Warding Aura 3, Spirit Lore +330 Enchanted Moonstones
 Staff of Lava 3025Dark Aura 3, Flaming Skull +330 Haunted Bones
Staff of Rebirth 48 30 Nature Aura 5, Stun Immunity 1, Blast +4, Pestilence +3, Conservation +3 Bilgewater Loot or Story Quest: The Keepers of the Code Reward
Staff of Shrunken Heads 38 30 Dark Aura 3, Desolation Resistance 2, Desolation +2 Loot
Staff of the Hollowed Gem 52 30 Jumbee Fire 5, Desolation Resistance 4, Spirit Lore +4, Spirit Mastery +3, Desolation +3 Loot or 1,050 Large & 3,500 Haunted Bones
 Staff of Water 3025Warding Aura 3, Banish +330 Haunted Bones
Tribal Staff 77Blast +230g
Tribal Chief Staff 2927Warding Aura 132,360g
Undead Staff 2220Dark Aura 116,200g
Vile Staff (Quest)820Powerful 4Free w/ Quest
Warden Staff 10 12 Warding Aura 1 10,080g
Warped Staff 3 5 Powerful 1 300g
Widow's Pumpkin Staff 38 30 Nature Aura 4, Soul Flay +3, Focus +3 150 Small Bones, 300 Large Bones, & 45 Haunted Bones

Voodoo Staff Skills[]

The staff greatly enhances the kinds of hexes and abilities the pirate can use with their voodoo power.

Soul Flay
Flaming Skull

Hex Skills[]

Most of the Hexes a pirate can use with a voodoo staff are more intended for attacking a group of enemies from a distance, since the user does NOT have to attune it to them.

Hex Description Voodoo Power Cast Time Level Req. Icon
Blast An instant blast of magic.0Instant1Staff blast
Soul Flay A stronger magic.3011Staff frostbeam
Pestilence A cloud of burning green acid engulfs the enemy.4532Staff pestilence
Wither An aurora of teal magic damages any nearby enemy.6024Staff sparks
Flaming Skull A burning skull sets any enemy aflame in the line of sight. 120410Staff fire
Banish A strong hex that only works on Undead.210814Staff deluge
Desolation A graphic swirling storm of death.3001220Staff shockwave

Passive Skills[]

In addition to hexes the pirate has to cast, the Voodoo Staff also can provide abilities that, once learned, are always in effect. These abilities can also apply to the user's Voodoo Doll as well.

Hex Description Level Req. Icon
Concentration Increases Voodoo Power recovery rate6Staff concentration
Spirit Lore Increases staff casting speed8Staff spirit lore
Conservation Decreases amount of Voodoo Power used by Staff and Doll12Staff conservation
Spirit Mastery Increases the damage by Staff and Doll17Staff harmony


  • The best way to level up the early levels of staff is to go to Kingshead and defeat the Veterans in the center with Wither.
  • Even though it's called a Voodoo "Staff", it says "Wand" when you get to the next level. This was changed so it correctly says "Staff".
  • Staff is the only weapon class that has not received many new recent additions. This suggests that, like Voodoo Doll and Dagger, new types may soon be added. You can see what these may be at Unreleased Items page.

All items (61)
