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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
Title Sabre


A sabre is a specific type of Backsword (meaning single-edged) with a long, flat and commonly a slightly curved blade. Sabres primarily slash, chop and cut through enemies. A collection of sabres are said to be part of El Patron's Lost Weapons. The weakest type of sword as of yet, though when you use them they give more Reputation than most weapons and have faster combos.

In The Legend of Pirates Online all sabres now have inherent Critical Strike, even if the sabre doesn't have the skill it will still deal critical damage. This is based on the rarity level of the sword, see below.

Sabre Rarity Critical Strike Chance %
Crude 5
Common 10
Rare 15
Famed 20
Legendary 25

Level Up![]


Leveling up your sword adds +8 HP, +0 Voodoo

Types of Sabres[]

Rarity Name Attack Level Req. Abilities Cost Resale
Admiral's Sabre 60 30 Captain's Resolve 4, Cyclone Cut +3, Endurance +3 N/A 1224g
Arctic Mint Candy Cane Sabre 65 23 Hurricane Slash,1 Finesse +1, Slice & Dice +1 600 Small, 150 Large, 6 Enchanted Moonstones 170g
Bejeweled Sabre 42 18 Critical Strike 3, Sweep +2, Rapid Strike +2 N/A 249g
Cursed Bitter End 68 24 Cursed Ice 2, Drain Voodoo 2, Parry +2 N/A 218g
Bloodfire Sabre 53 25 Blood Fire 1, Fire Immunity 1 N/A 231g
Boarding Sabre 20 10 Healing Boost 2, Rapid Strike +1 N/A 37g
Captain's Sabre 42 21 Captain's Resolve 2, Rapid Strike +2, Endurance +1 N/A 308g
Commander's Sabre 39 19 Captain's Resolve, Slice & Dice +1, Endurance +1 N/A 222g
Commodore's Sabre 51 24 Captain's Resolve 3, Slice & Dice +2, Endurance +2 N/A 672g
Divine Sabre 59 29 Cleanse 3, Life Drain Immunity 1, Slice & Dice +2 N/A 540g
Cursed Doom Stinger 78 29 Cursed Fire 3, Venom Strike 3, Parry +3 N/A 328g
Cursed Dread Spike 74 27 Cursed Thunder 2, Critical Strike 3, Cyclone Cut +1 N/A 238g
Duelist's Sabre 40 20 Master's Riposte 2, Parry +2, Finesse +1 N/A 158g
Eagle Sabre 40 20 Feint 2, Critical Strike 2, Parry +2, Slice & Dice +1 N/A 236g
Cursed The Emerald Curse 90 30 Shock Sweep 3, Voodoo Damage 3, Parry +4 N/A 423g
Engraved Sabre 31 14 Critical Strike 2, Sweep +2, Rapid Strike +1 N/A 87g
Falcon Sabre 33 15 Feint 2, Critical Strike 1, Parry +1 N/A 132g
Fencer's Sabre 28 15 Master's Riposte 1, Parry +1 N/A 41g
Fine Sabre 28 15 None 1,040g 52g
First Mate's Sabre 26 14 Captain's Resolve 1, Low Slash +1 N/A 47g
Cursed Grave Reaper 55 20 Cursed Ice 1, Poison Immunity 1, Endurance +2 N/A 99g
Great Hawk Sabre 53 25 Feint 3, Critical Strike 2, Parry +2, Slice & Dice +2 N/A 652g
Green Candy Cane Sabre 10 17 Cursed Ice, Rapid Strike +2, Endurance +2 N/A 104g
Hawk Sabre 19 9 Feint 1, Critical Strike 1 N/A 33g
Holy Sabre 36 17 Cleanse 2, Life Drain Immunity 1 N/A 121g
Iron Sabre 13 5 None 420g 21g
Kingfisher Sabre 60 30 Feint 3, Critical Strike 3, Parry +3, Slice & Dice +2 N/A 830g
Event Licorice Candy Cane Sabre 72 30 Stun Immunity 1, High Cut +5, Determination +3, Parry +3 Looted from French Undead 4258g
Light Sabre 10 5 None 150g 4g
Lieutenant's Sabre 34 16 Captain's Resolve 2, Cleave +1 N/A 150g
Mariner's Sabre 10 3 None 260g 13g
Master Fencer's Sabre 57 28 Master's Riposte 3, Parry +3, Finesse +3 N/A 576g
Master Sabre 43 25 None 1,740g 87g
Masterwork Sabre 48 25 Critical Strike 3, Sweep +3, Rapid Strike +3 N/A 354g
Musketeer's Sabre 46 24 Master's Riposte 2, Parry +3, Finesse +2 N/A 454g
Navy Marine's Sabre 16 7 Healing Boost 1, Low Slash +2, High Cut +2 580g 29g
Navy Officer's Sabre 31 17 Master's Riposte 2, Rapid Strike +2, Taunt +1 N/A 104g
Cursed The Onyx Curse 94 30 Hurricane Slash 3, Stun Immunity 3, Parry +3 N/A 633g
Orange Cream Candy Cane Sabre 80 28 Hurricane Slash 3, Finesse +3, Slice & Dice +3 1000 Small, 300 Large, 30 Enchanted Moonstones 508g
Ornate Sabre 13 5 Low Slash +2 N/A 13g
Cursed Plaguefire Blade 61 23 Blood Fire 1, Venom Strike 2 N/A 108g
Quartermaster's Sabre 23 12 Captain's Resolve 1 N/A 36g
Red Candy Cane Sabre 10 17 Captain's Resolve, Rapid Strike +2, Endurance +2 N/A 104g
Royal Sabre 40 20 Healing Boost 3, Cyclone Cut +1 N/A 143g
Cursed The Ruby Curse 102 30 Inferno Sweep 3, Fire Immunity 3, Parry +3 N/A 633g
Rusty Sabre 7 3 None N/A 3g
Sabre of the Inquisition 54 26 Healing Boost 3, Voodoo Damage 3 N/A 354g
Sacred Sabre 50 23 Cleanse 2, Life Drain Immunity 1, Slice & Dice +1 N/A 313g
Cursed The Sapphire Curse 104 30 Freeze Sweep 3, Pain Immunity 3, Parry +5 N/A 633g
Sharp Sabre 14 6 Critical Strike 1 N/A 12g
Silver Sabre 20 10 Cleanse 1 N/A 23g
Silver Striker 92 30 Power Slash 4, Voodoo Damage 3, Cleave +3 L: 1500, E: 2500 2488g
Steel Sabre 20 10 None 700g 35g
Sugarplum Candy Cane Sabre 71 26 Hurricane Slash 1, Finesse +2, Slice & Dice +2 800 Small, 250 Large, 15 Enchanted Moonstones 308g
Sword Fighter's Sabre 37 18 Skewer 2, Parry +2, Endurance +1 N/A 132g
Sword Master's Sabre 53 25 Skewer 3, Parry +3, Endurance +2 N/A 438g
Swordsman's Sabre 20 10 Skewer 1, Parry +1 N/A 26g
Tempered Sabre 25 10 Critical Strike 2, Sweep +1 N/A 48g
Vice Admiral's Sabre 56 27 Captain's Resolve 4, Cyclone Cut +2, Endurance +2 N/A 969g
Cursed Viper Blade 67 26 Cursed Thunder 1, Venom Strike 2, Endurance +2 N/A 148g
Voodoo Hunter Sabre 25 13 Healing Boost 1, Voodoo Damage 1 N/A 66g
War Sabre 35 20 None 1,360g 68g
Witch Hunter Sabre 34 16 Healing Boost 2, Voodoo Damage 2 N/A 102g

Sabre Skills[]

Combo Skills[]

Sabres have their own attack moves that can be used in a combo, just like the Cutlass or Broadsword.

Name Description Level Req. Icon Attack Pic
High Cut A lightning-fast upward cut.1Cutlass hack
High cut
Low Slash A slower, but stylish downward swing. 4Cutlass slash
Rapid Strike A short barrage of vicious stabs right at the enemies stomach. 7Cutlass cleave
Slice & Dice A quick, graceful spin, followed by several fancy cuts. 10Cutlass flourish
Slice and Dice
Cyclone Cut A whirlwind of a spin, followed by a graceful but deadly leap-and-slam directly on the enemies head. 17 Cutlass stab
Cyclone Cut

Attack Skills[]

Name Description Level Req. Icon

A "ninja strike", 360 slash that hits any nearby enemy.

2 Cutlass sweep

Fight dirty by giving your enemy a brutal head-butt! Stuns your oponent for a short time, giving you a few precious seconds to attack, unharmed!

8 Cutlass brawl

Make your enemies angry! Using this skill will make your enemies blows less accurate, and decreases the damage dealt by their attacks when they are taunted.

14 Cutlass taunt
Blade Storm

An onslaught of lightning-fast, lethal sword slashes, topped off by a vicious reverse thrust.

20 Cutlass bladestorm

Passive Skills[]

These skills are always active once acquired and do not need to be triggered.

Name Description Level Req. Icon
Parry Deflect enemy attacks 6Cutlass parry
Endurance Increase maximum health by 4% for each rank. 12 Grenade toughness

Game Note:[]

HINT: Use sabres to unleash quick and light moves promptly, allowing you to hit the enemy more times, and thus giving you more reputation. Sabres are best suited for facing a single enemy, groups of enemies are better engaged with a broadsword instead.

All items (68)
