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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki

Fortune Quests are quests that are offered to the pirate for additional gold, plunder, reputation, clothing or a special weapon. These challenges are essentially side-quests that can be done at any time and will not advance the story forward. However, they are needed for gathering special needed equipment, money, and increase their experience and in turn Notoriety. Most of these quests are very easy for an experienced pirate. However, several like the Fine Cutlass, or Adoria's Family can be quite challenging. Do keep in mind that if you have too many at once, you can't do any others until you finish what you have! Some of these rewards can only be found by that quest, so be careful of what you do with it, it's a one-time chance!

The Quests[]

Clothing Quests[]

Tattoo Quests[]

Jewelry Quests[]

Quests Available Daily[]

Misc. Fortune Quests[]

Holiday Quests[]

All items (9)
