Alligators are carnivorous reptiles which populate various swamps and small bodies of water in jungles of the Caribbean islands. They are all man-eaters, and come in various sizes.
Many alligators have uses for gypsies as their parts are valuable to them. Tia Dalma has you defeat plenty for their teeth, which are like currency for gypsies. Their tails are used for potions and Big Alligators' scales are used for primitive dental floss for island natives.
Types of Alligators[]
- Swamp Alligator - Cute little nippers found across the islands.
- Bayou Alligator - Annoying buggers are most commonly found in the Pantano River.
- Big Alligator - These bigger boys peruse a large portion of Misty Mire.
- Huge Alligator - Some of these gators are over ten feet long.
- River Alligators - Lethal critters cruising Everlasting Falls.
- Caribbean Caiman - The most dangerous reptile in these isles.
Alligator Bosses[]
- Dreadtooth - Huge Alligator Boss in El Sudoron on Padres Del Fuego
- Hardtack- Bayou Alligator Boss in Tortuga Graveyard on Tortuga
- Alligarta - Bayou Alligator
- Alligarto - Bayou Alligator
- Bernadette's Beauty - Caribbean Caiman
- Billy Bob the Gator - Huge Alligator
- Bogdweller - Swamp Alligator
- Caiman's Fang - Caribbean Caiman
- Caiman Trench - Caribbean Caiman
- Cranky - River Alligator
- Everlasting Hatred - Caribbean Caiman
- Gator the Hater - River Alligator
- Lockjaw - Big Alligator
- Meanmaw - Big Alligator
- Razorjaw - Bayou Alligator
- Ripshred - Huge Alligator
- Rotten Scales - Huge Alligator
- Scarred Scales - Big Alligator
- Shallow Swimmer - Swamp Alligator
- Snappy Handbag - River Alligator
- Swamp Terror - Huge Alligator
- Swampstalker - Swamp Alligator
- Tia's Favorite - Bayou Alligator
- Tide Lurker - Swamp Alligator
- Toothsome - River Alligator
- Trapjaw - Big Alligator
The alligators attack when they see good prey get too close, or when attacked. The damage the attacks cause depend on the level of alligator.
- Bite - The alligator attempts to crush his victims between his powerful jaws. This deals minimal damage.
- Crushing Bite - The alligator bites the attacker while lunging forward. Medium attack, it is slightly more powerful than the standard Bite.
- Maim - The alligator attempts to crush his victim by hurling himself. This is the most powerful attack the alligator will use.
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