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Pirates Online Wiki
Pirates Online Wiki
Black Dog's Revenge Exterior
Tavern mug

The Black Dog's Revenge is a tavern on Bilgewater, where Doggerel Dan and Nell Bilgehayes tend the bar.

In addition to drinks and company, the tavern also offers Poker and Liar's Dice tables for pirates to gamble away their ill-gotten gold.



The Black Dog's Revenge is in Town Center, just past the main archway on the right. Look for the tavern sign and Yarr manning the front door.


Inside, the tavern itself modestly sized but has a long bar front.

Black Dog's Revenge Interior 1


The pirate will be visiting this location several times as part of the Story Quest - The Keepers of the Code, primarily while aiding Ella O'Silver.

Game Notes[]

The Black Dog's Revenge gets it's name from The Black Dog Inn, the original tavern owned by Dan and Nell on Rambleshack. It was abandoned when Jolly Roger sacked the island in a vain search for Captain Jack Sparrow.
