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Pirates Online Wiki
Admiral's Cutlass
Admiral's Cutlass Card
Break Attack Captain's Resolve Rank 4
Boost(s) Thrust +3
Endurance +3
Attack Power 80
Group Admiral Cutlass Group
Location Loot
Rarity Famed
Required Level Sword 30
Value 1503 Gold
Weapon Model
Cutlass D

The Admiral's Cutlass is a Famed Cutlass and is the eighth Weapon of the the Admiral Cutlass Group. This sword gives the user the Captain's Resolve Break Attack which allows a pirate to use their inspiring influence to help nearby allies keep their fighting spirit up. The +3 boost to the Thrust skill and +3 boost to the Endurance skill helps make this weapon even more deadly while also increasing its users maximum health.

Game Notes:[]

  • This weapon, like the Lost Sword of El Patron, and Jack Sparrow's Blade, has a gold trail that follows every swing.
  • This weapon is highly favored in cutlass-only PvP, because of its powerful Thrust, and Endurance boosts, as well as its high attack.
Admiral's Cutlass Group

Quarter Master's Cutlass Card First Mate's Cutlass Card Lieutenant's Cutlass Card Commander's Cutlass Card Captain's Cutlass Card Commodore's Cutlass Card Vice Admiral's Cutlass Card Admiral's Cutlass Card
