In the Legend of Pirates Online, every mid-December the "elves" of TLOPO add a few presents to the game to coincide with the Winter Festival. This event is known as "12 Days" or "Twelve Days" or simply the "12 Days of Celebration" event.
The Legend of Pirates Online team randomize the kind of 'gifts' that are given during each of the 12 days. Commonly, this includes bonus rewards in loot, seasonal items or weapons, and on occasion the release of new features in the game.
The first 12 Days event started on December 14th, 2017 with an additional page of inventory space for clothing. The following day, brought Ship Material and gold redeem codes. This was followed the remaining 10 days with the Polar Stocking Cap, Holiday Sail Designs, limited time green hair, a Double Materials and Reputation event, bone and candy cane redeem codes, a double gold event, an additional page of inventory for weapons, and The Queen Anne's Revenge. The event concluded that year with a bonus day that granted players the redeemable Snow-Covered Grenades.
In 2018, the event began on December 15th and included the following: a double gold event, a gold and Ship Materials redeem code, 2 redeemable Candy Cane sabres, redeemable bone codes, a double reputation event, limited time green hair, and the release of Yuletide Manor.
2019 brought the return of Festive Sail designs, new Holiday music for the main islands, Winter Weapons from Yuletide Manor, a double reputation event, Quality of Life improvements including mini-map labels and displaying Infamy badges on your pirate card, the return of the Snow-Covered Grenades, festive looking loot pouches, limited time green hair, a double materials event, the ability to brew Alligator, Scorpion, and Crab Potions, redeemable animal transformation potions, and the 2 redeemable Candy Cane Sabres.
2020 saw better Moonstone drops, the 2 redeemable & infamous Candy Cane Sabres, an overhaul of the Voodoo Doll with a Quality of Life addition, boss improvements and bugfixes, the ability to find a crew under Lobbies, a walking toggle, a double reputation event, Winter Tattoos in Yuletide Manor, remaining shops be filled with Holiday Decorations, moonstone redeem codes, a double loot and materials event, limited time Bright Red and Green hair dyes, the Snow-Covered Grenades, and new holiday sail designs.
2021 included the release of the then foggy island of Bilgewater, Quality of Life improvements and bugfixes, a double reputation event, a double gold, loot and materials event, moonstone redeem codes, the redeemable Polar Stocking Cap and Fire Admiral Hat, the limited Yellow Snow-Covered Grenade, a Triple Loot Event, a double reputation event, and the return of the "patched up" Queen Anne's Revenge with the new Sword of Triton.
2022's Twelve Days began on December 14th with all new Ship AI, many bugfixes, and double gold. The following days brought moonstone redeem codes, new improved graphics with lens flares, double loot, a brand new Present Grenade, a 50,000 gold redeem code, flagship loot, Beckett's Spyglass, Norrington's Spyglass, Bottle Rocket Cannon Ram, a double reputation event, the ability to check PvP Match history, Ship Material redeem codes, the return of Animal Transformation potion redeem codes, a Double Materials event, the redeemable Polar Stocking Cap, the Reputation Booster redeemable potion, and the Fire Admiral Hat.